Super Seniors
‘n Geskenk vir die samelewing
Annie is tans besig om landswyd Instrukteurs op te lei om hierdie ENIGSTE VAN SY SOORT in Suid-Afrika aan te bied. Wêreldwys word dit erken dat die bo 60’s ‘n RYKDOM van geleerdheid, kundigheid EN ervaring is – en DIT glo sy, mag nie verlore gaan nie! Persone doen aansoek per epos, en sy stuur ‘n dokument met al die inligting wat nodig is om ‘n Instrukteur te word.
Hierdie geleentheid, OOK omdat Instrukteurs geserifiseer word, bied aan hulle nuwe loopbane wat hulle in die Gemeenskap by kerke en aftree-oorde, OF in die Sake-wêreld kan gaan aanbied. Dit is ‘n volle, toegeruste Kursus met verstommende Doelwitte wat bereik kan word binne ‘n tydperk van 12 weke. (Sien agterblad van die Boek waar dele van die Kursus uiteengesit is.)
Kyk geus na die VIDEO op die VIDEO Blad waar Annie onlangs op Die Groot Ontbyt gesels het oor Super Seniors en haar VISIE om van hierdie Projek ‘n uitmuntende sukses te maak.
A treasure-trove of Motivation!
Powerhouse! Knock-out Empowerment, my 10th book on Human Empowerment was happily launched on the 1st of August in different venues across the country. 14 years of studying Empowerment has been put together in a power-packed bundle to inspire, impact and influence your life. My focus is on the whole person and the suggestions are practical and creative.
Order your copy from Corals Publishers at:
Powerhouse! Knock-out Empowerment will also be available in all good Bookstores.
With more inspiration and truly by public demand, I have updated my popular book ‘Are you Connected?’ which was the first Self-Empowerment Book I know of, with a strong emphasis on the heart and its link to Success, Abundance and Total Well-being.
Annie’s other Books
Her books are highly recommended and read in the competitive market of self-help reading, as well as university students, studying psychology. A number of medical doctors have endorsed her writings and recommend her books to their patients.
‘Annie’s mind and emotional well-being add to her physical health and she is a good example of what people want me to teach! When it comes to health and fitness, Annie doesn’t just walk the talk, she RUNS it’. (Doctor Anton Janse Van Rensburg)
‘Annie’s writings have helped thousands of people to further enhance their personal and professional lives. So, when it comes to using your brain and creative problem solving, this book is a sure call!’ (Doctor Alan Black)
‘When I heard Annie speak at the Emotional Intelligence World Summit in 2007, with a subject like: ‘Hello HEART! Welcome to the Business World!’ I was aware of her intense enthusiasm to speak and write about the critical role of intelligent emotions. With this book, she outlines a totally integrative program to help restore emotional well-being and enhance emotional intelligence in the life of every reader.’ (Ayman Sawaf – Speaker, Consultant and Author of Sacred Commerce – Whole Life USA and UK)
In 2011 Annie’s book ‘I think – I feel – I am’ hit the shelves. This revised work of her very popular 2000 edition contains new insights and scientific studies that relate to this new decade with all the passion and knowledge that Annie possesses.
This book is her answer to hundreds of questions she has been asked about how to live a fulfilled, destined and healthy life. She tells you how the Brain and Heart are vital parts of a healthy and happy body and she offers a wealth of surprising and creative suggestions that can help heal your amazing body.
As a bonus, this book also helps you to live abundantly and effectively with your thoughts and feelings.
Living an abundant, healthy and successful life includes a healthy Heart (spirit), Mind (soul) and Body.
Annie’s book, ‘Are you connected?’ was launched in 2008 and this book is helping thousands of people who fight inner battles and are trying to break out of negative cycles. The main topic of the book is human energy, and she believes that the HEART is the access point to living a healthy and creative life. Latest news is that this book is a best seller as well!
She is taking the reader BEYOND ‘The Secret’ and exposes them to the HEART – where she believes, true empowerment begins.
In 2005 she wrote ‘The POWER of a Creative Life!’ aimed at the busy executive. Her research included international visits and conversations with other pioneers in this field of creative living and ageing well. She did research in England, Italy and France and five States in the USA before she came to astounding resolutions on ‘How Spiritual, Emotional and Creative Intelligence add years to your life, and LIFE to your years.’
Her trailblazing research on growing older and wiser PROVES that stimulating the brain only, is NOT the complete answer. She is currently making headlines with her research on ‘Maintaining brainpower and brilliance as you grow older.’
Annie has been a Project Leader since 2003 assisting people over 70 years of age to ‘RE-Invent their lives.’ Therefore her favorite community projects are geared toward the older generation.
Annie was a member of the Toastmasters International Organization for ten years and attained the ATM-GOLD Certificate in 2004. She has excellent experience in dealing with audience demands and feedback and still mentors new speakers when time allows. As a motivational speaker she has won a number of awards including ‘Communicator of the Year’ and ‘Most Humorous Speaker of the Year”.
Her achievements have certainly helped to make her one of South Africa’s most capable and popular Inspirational Speakers.
She is a regular voice on Radio, a prolific writer of articles and has appeared on National Television in SA and other countries – as an outflow of her Keynote Presentations.
Annie has been described as a True Visionary and Revolutionary Trainer.